Alert when second hand alternative is available!
Second-hand alternative alert. Browser addon to give you an alert when second hand/used alternatives to new products are available.
When in, notify you if there is a used alternative at
How to pack it (using zip). Chrome webstore Before you publish have some pointers. And there is a Chrome extension develop guide.
Need to install web-ext: sudo npm install --global web-ext
. Also some pointers on how to make it work on Firefox for Android.
Need to use Xcode, but maybe it can be done on something that is inherited from main here.
You can define a content script for each
To use notifications on mobile browsers, it seems you need to use getNotifications() and showNotification() form a service worker. And the service worker need https.
So i.e. ngrok needs to be set up like done on the geo-search-helper repo.
The notification part needs a service worker.
Using built in dom-parser and regex